Even though online surveys have become more and more common, people still have a lot of suspicions about them. You often hear how people have gotten scammed, haven’t received their money, or are in general confused about the whole concept.
Why is this? Because people simply aren’t informed enough about surveys. That is why we collected some common questions and worries about surveys, and answer them for you!
How Come You Get Paid for Taking These Surveys?
This probably confuses people the most -why would you get paid just for filling out a survey?
The answer: Surveys are created by companies, who want relevant feedback about their products. They need feedback to improve their products and services. It is, however, not always so easy to get.
People are often not ready to spend their precious time if there is nothing for return. This is why companies give incentives for people to fill out their surveys, so they can receive enough answers.
How Much Can I Earn and Does it Cost Something?
Usually, the amount you can earn is somewhere between £1-£5 per survey. This depends on the length of the survey and the company that is conducting the survey.
It is important to remember, that in the beginning, it will take time until you start earning more. When you start, companies don’t know if you are a trusted source for feedback yet, but as time goes by, you will start receiving more profitable surveys.
Read More About Click Here : Online Surveys sensex sites