Bollywood star Anushka Sharma took to Instagram on Thursday to share the photo of earrings she received from her sister-in-law Bhawna Kohli Dhingra. Bhawna is the sister of Anushka’s husband Virat Kohli.
Anushka shared the photos of white and green traditional earrings and wrote, “These are beautiful @bhawna_kohli_dhingra. Wishing you the bestest for @abane_houseofartistry.” Anushka Sharma wished her best of luck for her jewellery business Abane House of Artistry. Bhawna Kohli Dhingra is mentioned as one of the founders of the company.
Bhawna also took to Instagram to respond to Anushka’s story. Reposting the photo, she wrote, “Loads of love.”
Earlier this year, Anushka Sharma welcomed her daughter Vamika. Since then, the couple has kept Vamika away from social media and also requested media persons to not photograph their child. Anushka has stayed away from picking up any projects as an actor since the 2018 film Zero. In a conversation with Grazia a few months ago, Anushka said, “I wanted to take some time off and understand what it was I wanted to do work-wise and what kind of movies I wanted to be a part of.”