Actor Devoleena Bhattacharjee was evicted from Bigg Boss 14 on Sunday. Her exit also marks the end of journey for Eijaz Khan in the Salman Khan-hosted show. Owing to a prior shoot commitment, Eijaz had to come out of the house last month. Former contestant Devoleena was brought in as his proxy.
During her stint on Bigg Boss 14, Devoleena Bhattacharjee impressed the audience with her maturity and passion towards tasks. The Saath Nibhana Saathiya also hogged the limelight recently when she had a breakdown after a fight with Arshi Khan. While housemates accused her of creating drama for content, host Salman Khan had sided with her during the Weekend Ka Vaar episode.
During the ‘connection week’, Devoleena got Paras Chhabra as her companion, however, the latter did nothing to help her in the game. Instead, he went on to choose Rubina Dilaik as the winner of the ‘Ticket to Finale’ task. After Rubina saved Nikki Tamboli, it became clear that Devoleena would go out this week. The actor even took to Twitter to rant about Paras, and how he let her down in the competition.