On the 12th anniversary of the Mumbai terror attacks on Friday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India will never forget the wounds inflicted during the 2008 attacks and added the country is now combating terrorism with new policies. Modi also paid tribute to the policemen and all the citizens who lost their lives in the attacks. “Today is associated with the biggest terrorist attack on the country. In 2008, terrorists from Pakistan attacked Mumbai Many Indians died in this attack. People from many more countries were killed. I pay my respects to all those killed in the Mumbai attack,” he said.
The Prime Minister also paid obeisance to the security forces who he said are trying to defend India and are thwarting conspiracies like Mumbai attacks.
On November 26, 2008, terrorists of Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) had carried out 12 coordinated shooting and bombing attacks lasting four days across Mumbai. At least 166 people, including six Americans and nine terrorists, were killed and more than 300 others were injured in the attacks. The Taj Mahal hotel, the Oberoi hotel, the Leopold Cafe, the Nariman (Chabad) House and the Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus train station were some of the locations targeted.
The Prime Minister was addressing a conference of presiding officers of legislative bodies marking the celebrations of Constitution Day in Gujarat’s Kevadia. The Lok Sabha has organised the two-day conference at the banks of the Narmada River to celebrate the Constitution Day. The theme of the event is “Harmonious Coordination Between Legislature, Executive and Judiciary - Key to a Vibrant Democracy.”