Singer Shilpa Rao has added yet another feather to her cap. Anoushka Shankar’s album Love Letters which has been nominated for the Best Global Music Album for this year’s Grammy Awards, also features a track by Rao. And she is absolutely thrilled with this development.
“We have been waiting for this day since quite a while. It has been a long journey for me as well as for the song. It is surreal right now. I still don’t understand what to feel. I have been trying to pin down one emotion but I don’t know what exactly I am feeling. It is quite awesome and also has added another thought in my heart that I cannot make any more excuses now. I just have to work harder,” she says.
Rao, who track, Those Words, was part of Shankar’s album, is happy that Indian music is being recognised globally now. “I have been learning Indian music since I was a kid and I have no qualms in saying that Indian music is one of the most progressive kinds of music in this entire world. It’s high time our own youth owns it, listens to it with pride and propagates it. Our youth is still not owning it entirely and they don’t find it cool enough which is very weird. When you are born into a family, you inherit the entire legacy by virtue of birth. In the same way, when you are born as an Indian, you inherit the culture, the goodness and all the great things by virtue of being born in India. Sadly, we have not celebrated our music as much as we should have. But I am still hopeful. And with this news, maybe one young kid somewhere will look at our music differently,” adds Rao.