Former Bigg Boss 14 contestant Kavita Kaushik has called the reality show ‘fake’ in a recent tweet. The FIR actor had entered the Salman Khan-hosted show as a wild card, and would be remembered for her big fights with Eijaz Khan and Abhinav Shukla.
Recently, a fan posted on Kavita’s yoga video telling her that she should not have done the show as it harmed her image. He wrote, “You should not have done big boss. I donno if its just me but it did lot of harm to imagine. I am ur fan and wish you all the best things in life.”
Replying to him, the actor said that she feels free given that her image has already been spoiled. She also added that she doesn’t care about the love and hate of those who judge people on a ‘fake reality show’. Wrote Kavita, “Its ok, like they say once you’ve spoilt your ‘image’ you are free! Now I don’t give a f**k about the hate or the love of those who judge someone on a fake reality show.”