Ahead of the Ugadi celebrations, the makers of Ravi Teja-starrer Khiladi dropped its teaser on Monday. Directed by Ramesh Varma Penmetsa of Rakshasudu fame, the movie features Meenakshi Chaudhary and Dimple Hayati as the female leads.
Ravi Teja, who started 2021 with blockbuster Krack, took to his Twitter handle and shared the teaser of Khiladi. “Here it is… Hope you like it!! #KhiladiTeaser,” he captioned the teaser video.
The 80-second Khiladi teaser presents Ravi Teja in two different shades. In one, he is seen as a murderer and the other presents him in a stylish avatar. When keenly observed, it also appears as if Ravi Teja is playing a high impact game in which murders are involved. But, the teaser gives no hints for the reason of his behaviour.