A day after the Special Investigation Team (SIT), probing the Lakhimpur Kheri violence in which eight people including four farmers were killed on October 3, told a court that it was a planned conspiracy, the Opposition revived its demand for the sacking of Minister of State for Home Affairs Ajay Mishra ‘Teni’ whose son is one of the accused in the case. The uproar and chaotic scenes in Lok Sabha Wednesday forced proceedings to be adjourned for the day.
With the Opposition up in arms and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi submitting an adjournment motion to discuss the matter, the government insisted that there was no question of discussing the issue in Parliament as the matter is “sub judice.” After the Opposition forced adjournment of proceedings in Lok Sabha, Union Minister Piyush Goyal, who is also Leader of the House in Rajya Sabha, told reporters: “It’s a baseless issue. The investigation is going on as per Supreme Court instructions and discussion on sub judice matters can’t happen as per parliamentary rules.”