Bollywood actor Manoj Bajpayee’s mother-in-law Shakeela Raza passed away on Thursday in Delhi. Bajpayee is married to former actor Shabana Raza, known by her screen name Neha.
Shabana’s mother had been critical for the past few days as she was suffering from a prolonged illness. Shakeela had been a cancer patient for almost 12 years. Shabana’s father passed away in 2021. Manoj lost his father in October 2021. Manoj Bajpayee, who was away on a shoot, is on his way to Delhi to be with his family.
Shabana Raza appeared in a few films like Kareeb, Fiza and Hogi Pyaar Ki Jeet.
On the work front, Manoj Bajpayee was recently seen in the ZEE5 film Dial 100. His upcoming projects include RSVP’s Despatch and Amazon Prime Video’s The Family Man Season 3, where he will reprise the character of Srikant Tiwari.