In just a few hours, fans will make their choice as they pick the winner of the first digital version of Bigg Boss. The Karan Johar-hosted series has Shamita Shetty, Divya Agarwal, Raqesh Bapat, Pratik Sehajpal and Nishant Bhat as finalists.
Mastermind: If there was someone who used his mind during tasks or even in the game, it was Nishant. A Bigg Boss fan, the choreographer knew what works on the show and it definitely helped him stay in the limelight.
Connection: Just like host Karan Johar pointed out, Nishant Bhat stuck to the format of connection and forged a strong bond with Moose Jattana. Together they played the game together and impressed all with their friendship and strong bond.
Fun: If there was one person who had most fun on Bigg Boss OTT, it would definitely be Nishant Bhat. He made an effort to crack jokes, play pranks or just have fun with his housemates. Weaknesses
Back biting: What the audience may not have enjoyed about Nishant was his habit of gossing about other contestants. The dancer sometimes felt he was right and put down others but sadly only behind their back.
Lack of passion: During the ticket to finale task, Nishant let go of the chance, for reasons best known to him. This presented him in a negative light.
Too prepared: Given Nishant has confessed that he loves Bigg Boss, he came across as too prepared. The surprise element in a contestant was missing when it comes to Nishant, which became quite a dampener in his journey.