Actor-singer Nupur Sanon, sister of actor Kriti Sanon, celebrated her birthday on the sets of Filhall 2. Giving her company was actor Akshay Kumar and the rest of the team. The duo had appeared in 2019’s successful music video Filhall, for a song sung by B Praak.
Sharing pictures, Nupur wrote: “15•12•2020 It’s my first working birthday as an actor!! My heart is full and I’m so thankful to have spent my special day with such talented energies. There couldn’t have been a better birthday gift from the universe than to have me on set in front of the camera. The journey of #Filhall2 begins today. @akshaykumar @ammyvirk @arvindrkhaira @bpraak @jaani777 @azeemdayani #Thehappyteam #Gratitude.” Singer Ammy Virk is also part of the song. The pictures showed Nupur, Akshay, Ammy and others standing by a van. Nupur wore a pale purple salwar kameez with a purple printed dupatta.