Actor Ravi Teja unveiled the first look of his 68th film, and the project has been titled Ramarao on Duty. Sharing the first look posters, the film’s production house SLV Cinemas tweeted, “Meet the MASSiest officer RAMA RAO. #RT68 titled as #RamaRaoOnDuty.”
On the first look poster of Ramarao On Duty, Ravi Teja is seen in an angry yet stylish avatar. He is at a magistrate’s office, with him taking oath as a government officer. Reportedly, the actor plays a mandal revenue officer in the movie.
The makers are currently shooting for the film in Hyderabad. The movie marks the directorial debut of Sarath Mandava and the production debut of Ravi Teja’s RT Teamworks. Produced by Sudhakar Cherukuri, Divyansha Kaushik is on board to play the female lead role in the movie.