The Jannayak Janta Party (JJP) Thursday marked its third foundation day with a show of strength in Jhajjar, considered the Jat heartland of Haryana and a stronghold of Congress senior leader and former chief minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda. As he addressed the gathering, party founder and Deputy Chief Minister Dushyant Chautala recalled the hardships the party faced in the past one year amid the protests by farmers against the three central agri laws that now stand repealed.
“Last one year was not easy for us. I was supposed to attend the wedding of a party worker’s son, when I received a phone call that certain people would disrupt law and order. I decided not to visit as it would have disrupted law and order and also the wedding function. In the last one year, several times such attempts were made. The Opposition also attempted to disrupt law and order. But, I would like to congratulate all our party workers that they not only exhibited patience after learning the sentiments of farmers, but also kept expanding party’s base. A few of our workers also got impatient…but the solution had to be such that goes in your favour. We did that,” said Dushyant. Earlier, the Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM), an umbrella body of 40 farm unions, announced that farmers will go return home from the protest sites. The decision came as Centre sent a formal letter to the SKM agreeing to accept their pending demands.