Television actor Shilpa Shinde, who won Bigg Boss 11, said that she is not following the ongoing season of the reality show. She seems to be reacting to recent tweets on Rahul Vaidya’s re-entry in Bigg Boss 14 that were attributed to her by many.
Shilpa took to Instagram to share a video and said that she is neither following Bigg Boss 14 nor has she made comments about any of the contestants. “Jo koi bhi mere naam ko iss tarah se use kar raha hai, main uske against legal action le sakti hoon. Please yeh nonsense na karein (I can take legal action against those who are using my name wrongly. Please do not do such nonsense.),” she said.
In her caption, Shilpa wrote, “I am not following #Bigboss14 and have not given any interview regarding any contestant. I don’t have any Twitter account and there are several fake IDs impersonating my name...Requesting media that don’t publish news on the basis of fake tweets. Stop this otherwise ,I have to initiate legal action against those fake id’s.”