After Sonu Sood’s offices, property and residence were surveyed by the Income Tax Department earlier this month, the actor released a statement on social media. In the statement, he mentioned that does not need to tell ‘his side of the story.’ Sonu also said that every rupee of his foundation goes to the needy or to save a life. He added that he has also urged brands to donate his endorsement fees to charities. He also wrote that he was not able to help people for a few days as he was attending guests and from now will be back to support those in need.
Captioning his post with a Hindi couplet, Sonu said that he has the support and best wishes of every Indian.
The post read, “You don’t always have to tell your side of the story, time will. I have pledged myself to the service of the people of India with all my strength and heart. Every rupee in my foundation is awaiting its turn to save a precious life and reach the needy. In addition on many occasions, I have encouraged brands to donate my endorsement fees for humanitarian causes too, which keeps us going. I have been busy attending to a few guests, hence was unable to be at your service for the past few days. Here I am back again, in all humility, at your humble service for life. My journey continues.”