Actor Sooraj Pancholi is “a little satisfied” after the Jiah Khan case moved to a special CBI court. The sessions court, which was conducting trial against Khan’s boyfriend and actor Sooraj Pancholi on charges of alleged abetment, said that the trial should be transferred to a special CBI court.
“In the present matter, investigation is carried out by CBI/SCB (which) filed a supplementary chargesheet. The special courts are established for trial of cases exclusively investigated by CBI and a special judge is appointed to deal with said cases. I do not have the power to deal with cases filed by the CBI. Therefore, in my view it is necessary to transfer the present case to CBI court,” the sessions court judge said in the order earlier this week. The trial in the case began in March 2019.
Recently, the Hero actor said the case “should have been in the special CBI Court from the beginning.”