Actor Tiger Shroff suffered a black eye while shooting for his upcoming film Ganapath in the UK. He took to Instagram and gave a glimpse of his eye injury. Tiger seems to have taken the photo on the sets of the film. He wore a black jacket over a green T-shirt. Sharing the photo, he wrote, “S*** happens #ganapath final countdown.” The song Play Hard by David Guetta ft. Ne-Yo and Akon played in the background.
Tiger has been posting videos on Instagram from the UK. Recently, as Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham completed 20 years of its release, he shared a video dancing to Kareena Kapoor and Hrithik Roshan’s song, You Are My Soniya.
Posting the clip, he wrote, “The first song I ever learned how to dance to! One of my fav movies. Please excuse our horrible impersonations @karanjohar of these legends @hrithikroshan @kareenakapoorkhan.”