Thursday’s Bigg Boss 14 episode began with Kashmera Shah and Rahul Mahajan teasing Jasmin Bhasin about Aly Goni. Kashmera said, “Bahut acccha ladka hai, aisa pati kisi ko mile (He is such a good boy, this is the kind of a husband).” Rahul also said he would go out, get Aly alongwith his baraat and come back inside the house.
Jasmin blushed as said, “Pata nahi yaar, abhi dono baat karenge dekhenge bahar jaa ke (I do not know, we will talk and see how things go once out of the show). You need to be on the same page for marriage.”
During a conversation with her, Rahul told Arshi Khan, “Chu mat yaar meri patni gyhar pe mera gala ghont deggi (Do not touch me, friend. My wife is at home and she will strangle me).” Arshi called him brother as she took a step away from him and a relaxed Rahul told her, “Fine, now tell me.”
Manu Punjab and Arshi were seen having a fight as Arshi blamed him for being unfair in the nomination task. Arshi then told Vikas that he behaved like Bigg Boss was his show. “How do you know about the voting and how is it decided who leaves? Why are you claiming that our decision to save Kashmera was wrong? She asked him.